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Double-Active Membranes for a sustainable CO2 cycle

The EIC portfolio

In 2022, the EIC launched the EIC Pathfinder Challenge: Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen management and valorisation which aims at developing novel processes and technologies to capture and convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and Nitrogen (N) into useful products, and in turn to reduce (i) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; (ii) nitrogen losses mainly due to agricultural practices; and (iii) carbon losses from the energy, industrial, agricultural, and livestock sectors.

The portfolio of this challenge consists of DAM4CO2 and the following other 7 projects:

For more information, check the portfolio website

eic website

The EIC portfolio webinars

The EIC portfolio launched a series of webinar focused on CO2 and N-compound management and valorization. Check the topic and schedule here:

You don't have a pdf plugin, but you can download the pdf file.

The EIC portfolio strategic plan 

The EIC portfolio presentation video